Philip Wesley Miller
4 January 1959 - 8 December 2023
What can I say about Philip? What an absolute legend he was! He was a family man through and through, he worked long hours and days to make sure that his family were well looked after and instilled these values to his four children. Philip adored his wife and would do anything to see that she was looked after. He loved to travel with Sharon and visited many exotic places like Cypan, Africa, Russia,Australia, America and often he loved to go to Ibiza and catch up with his Spanish friends. He is an inspiration to many and loved staying in touch with some of his life long friends like Ian and Simon! He was affectionately known as a quiet, gentle giant locally in Widnes where he lived for over 35 years but his heart belonged to Liverpool where his roots were. he often told us stories about his time growing up there with tales of headless chickens and being sent to the local shop to buy woodbines (something you just couldn’t do now). He loved any stories and facts related to world wars 1 and 2 and was a font of knowledge! He used to wow me by answering all of the questions on The Chase with amazing accuracy. If you knew Phil you would know of his sick sense of humour he loved Faulty Towers, Only Fools and Horses, Monty Python just to name a few. This sick sense of humour was passed down the generations. You are missed beyond words. We will meet again, until then rest and embrace the family who were waiting to meet you xxxx
memorialLocation:Wavertree Cemetery
hometown:Huyton with Roby
parents:Phyllis & George Miller
children:Wesley, Suzanne, Belinda, Adrian
grandChildren:Holly, Charlotte, Abbey, Merlin, Caitlyn, Daniel
nickname:Big Grandad
bestFriend:He had a lot of friends from around the world
education:Page Moss High School
occupation:Communication Manager /Fraud investigator/Union representative
accomplishments:Travelled around the world
languages:English, French and alittle Spanish
hobbies:Motorbikes and Antiques
favouriteAnimal:Donkeys, loved all animal
favouriteFood:Loved food
favouriteSportsTeams:Everton FC
favouriteAthlete:Johnny Wilkinson
favouriteTVShow:Fireball XL 5 / Anything War related
favouriteBook:Anything by Tom Clancy
favouriteAuthor:Tom Clancy
favouriteSong:Fairytale in New York
favouriteMusician:Jeff Lynne
favouriteMusicGenre:Ecliptic taste
favouriteTypeOfMovieGenre:War films