How to Create an Online Memorial by Using Memorial Stories - Memorial Stories - QR Code Memorial Plaques

How to Create an Online Memorial by Using Memorial Stories

Losing a loved one is never easy, but cherishing their memory and sharing their life story can help us cope and remember. If you're wondering how to honour your loved one in a meaningful way, creating an online memorial using Memorial Stories is a thoughtful and lasting tribute. This guide will walk you through the process.

Writing a Short Biography

Begin by writing a short biography to introduce your loved one. Remember, you have only 1000 characters, so make every word count. Focus on the highlights of their life, their unique qualities, and the experiences that shaped them. End the biography with a positive note that captures their spirit.

  • Top tip: Use simple, clear language so that all readers can connect with the biography.

Choosing Key Facts

The key facts section allows you to provide a fuller picture of your loved one's life. These could include their birthplace, where they lived, family members, favourite foods, colours, and more. Choose the facts that best reflect their personality and life journey.

  • Top tip: It's not about the quantity of facts but the quality. Choose those that paint an accurate and poignant picture of your loved one.

Crafting Memorial Stories

Memorial Stories are small anecdotes paired with a photo that paints a true picture of your loved one. To create one, simply upload a photo, create a title, and then add a description. The title should set the tone, while the description provides more context or shares a memorable moment.

  • Top tip: When choosing a photo, think about the story it tells. The best photos often speak for themselves.

Choosing Photographs

Photographs are a powerful way to preserve and share memories. On your remembrance page, you can add up to 30 photographs. Choose a mix of formal and candid photos to provide a rounded depiction of your loved one's life.

  • Top tip: For a better performance of your page, compress the images before uploading using websites like TinyPNG.

Asking Family for More Information

You don't have to do this alone. Reach out to family members for more information, stories, or photos. Remember, only one account can edit the remembrance page, so it's best to gather all the information beforehand.

  • Top tip: Create a shared document where family members can add their contributions. This way, you can easily organise and refer back to them when creating the page.

Creating an online memorial is a deeply personal task. It requires patience, care, and time. But remember, it's not just about providing information. It's about capturing the essence of your loved one, celebrating their life, and sharing their story. With these tips and the tools provided by Memorial Stories, you can create a fitting and beautiful tribute that honours your loved one's memory.

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