How to Write a Eulogy - A Step By Step Guide Cover Photo of funeral candles

How to Write a Eulogy

Overview: How to Write a Eulogy

This guide offers compassionate and practical tips for creating a touching eulogy that honours your loved one's memory:

  • Begin with personal reflections and gather stories from others to create a rich, multifaceted tribute.
  • Structure your speech with a clear beginning, middle, and end to ensure a coherent and impactful narrative.
  • Write sincerely and from the heart, using language that feels natural and true to your relationship with the deceased.
  • Personalize the eulogy by focusing on unique traits, stories, and the significant impact of the deceased.
  • Practice the eulogy to manage nerves and deliver a speech that is both authentic and comforting to the audience.


Writing a eulogy can feel like a daunting task, especially during a time filled with emotion and reflection. A eulogy isn't just a speech; it's a deeply personal tribute that captures the essence of someone dear to us who has passed away. It's our chance to share the story of their life, the imprint they've left on our hearts, and the memories we'll treasure forever.

In this blog post, we'll guide you through the steps of crafting a eulogy that not only honours the memory of your loved one but also resonates with those who gather to remember them. Whether you're a seasoned speaker or this is your first time addressing a crowd, our aim is to provide you with clear, compassionate guidance. We'll help you find the right words to express your feelings and celebrate a life well-lived, ensuring your eulogy is as meaningful and special as the person it's about.

Understanding the Purpose of a Eulogy

What exactly is a eulogy, and why does it hold such significance at a funeral or memorial service? Simply put, a eulogy is more than a farewell speech; it's a powerful way to celebrate the life of the person who has passed away. It's an opportunity to share the story of their life — the joys, challenges, achievements, and even the small, everyday moments that meant so much.

In a eulogy, we share these memories and stories to not only remember the person we've lost but to also offer comfort and connection to others who are grieving. It's a chance to paint a picture of the departed, showcasing their personality, their beliefs, their relationships, and the legacy they leave behind. Through a eulogy, we can express our love and respect, share our grief, and start the healing process, both for ourselves and for others.

But what should a eulogy include? While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, most eulogies have some common elements. Below is an infographic that breaks down these key components, helping you understand the structure and content that can go into creating a heartfelt and memorable eulogy.

Infographic on Elements of a Eulogy for "How to Write a Eulogy"


Remember, a eulogy is a personal tribute. While this guide provides a general structure, the most touching eulogies come from the heart and reflect the unique relationship you shared with the person you're honouring.

Preparing to Write a Eulogy

Before you start writing your eulogy, gathering your thoughts, memories, and anecdotes about the person you're remembering is a vital first step. This process is not just about reflecting on your own experiences; it's about piecing together a complete picture of the individual from various perspectives.

1. Start with Your Memories: Think about your time spent with them. What moments stand out? It could be a conversation that stayed with you, a particular day, or even a small habit that brings a smile to your face now.

2. Collect Stories and Anecdotes: Reach out to family and friends. They might have stories you've never heard before or a different take on a shared experience. These contributions add depth and variety to your eulogy.

3. Look for Inspiration: Sometimes, objects like photos, letters, or even a favourite book of the deceased can spark memories or provide insight into their life and character.

4. Organize Your Thoughts: With all these memories and stories, it can be overwhelming to decide what to include. That's why we've created a downloadable worksheet to help you organize your thoughts. This template can guide you in selecting the most meaningful and representative elements for the eulogy.

Remember, this preparation stage is not just about collecting content for a speech. It's a journey through the shared and individual experiences that shaped your relationship with the departed. Take your time with this process; it's a significant step in both celebrating their life and your journey of remembrance.

Structuring Your Eulogy

Creating a structure for your eulogy is key to ensuring your words flow smoothly and capture the essence of the loved one you’re commemorating. A well-structured eulogy generally consists of a beginning, middle, and end, each serving a unique purpose in the narrative.

1. The Beginning: This is where you introduce yourself and your relationship to the deceased. Start with something that immediately engages the audience – it could be a poignant quote, a brief touching story, or a significant moment you shared. The opening should set the tone for the rest of the eulogy.

2. The Middle: This is the heart of your eulogy. Here, weave together personal anecdotes with general information about the deceased. Balance is key. While personal stories bring the eulogy to life, general information (like their career, interests, or community involvement) helps those who may not have known them as well to understand their character and impact.

3. The End: Conclude with a message that leaves a lasting impression. This could be a final tribute to their legacy, a note of gratitude, or a comforting message to the audience. The ending should provide closure and reflect the overall spirit of the eulogy.

Remember, while this structure serves as a guide, the most effective eulogies are those that feel natural and heartfelt. Don’t be afraid to adjust the structure to better fit your memories and experiences with the person you’re honouring.

Writing Tips and Techniques

Crafting the words of a eulogy is both an art and a heartfelt expression. Here are some tips to help you with the writing process, ensuring your eulogy is a fitting tribute that captures the essence of your loved one.

1. Choose the Right Tone: The tone of your eulogy should reflect the personality of the deceased and your relationship with them. Whether it’s solemn, lighthearted, respectful, or even humorous, ensure it feels appropriate and genuine.

2. Use Accessible Language: Write as if you’re speaking to a friend. Avoid overly complex language. The goal is to connect with your audience and make your words easily relatable.

3. Keep It Concise: A good length for a eulogy is usually between 5 to 10 minutes. This allows you to share meaningful stories and details without overwhelming your audience.

4. Handling Emotions: It’s natural to feel emotional while writing and delivering a eulogy. If you feel overwhelmed, take a moment to pause and breathe. Remember, it's okay to show emotion; it reflects the depth of your connection.

Real-Life Examples: Excerpts from Actual Eulogies

  • Solemn and Respectful Eulogy Excerpt Example:

    "Today, we gather to remember and celebrate the life of Elizabeth Johnson, a remarkable woman whose strength and compassion touched us all. Elizabeth led a life marked by unwavering dedication to her family and an enduring commitment to her community. Her selfless acts, whether big or small, were a testament to her loving nature. I recall a particular moment last winter when she quietly organized a fundraiser for the local shelter, a reflection of her deep empathy and concern for those around her. Elizabeth's legacy is not just in the grand gestures, but in the quiet moments of kindness that defined her character. As we bid farewell, we carry forward the lessons of generosity and grace she embodied. Her spirit, a guiding light in our lives, will forever remain in our hearts."

  • Lighthearted and Affectionate Eulogy Excerpt:

    "Mike was a man who could light up a room with his humour and infectious smile. I can’t count the number of times he turned a bad day around with just a well-timed joke or a silly face. Like that summer barbecue when he wore that outrageous Hawaiian shirt – you know, the one with the flamingos – and declared himself the 'Flamingo King'. He had this incredible ability to make everyone feel included and valued, a gift that made him not just a great friend but a cherished part of our community. Mike's love for life and his playful spirit were truly one-of-a-kind. As we remember him today, let's not forget to smile and laugh as he often made us do. In his own words, 'Don’t forget to enjoy the ride!' And what a ride it was with Mike."

These excerpts demonstrate how different tones and styles can be effectively used in a eulogy, providing you with inspiration for your own writing.

Remember, there's no single 'correct' way to write a eulogy. The most touching eulogies come from the heart and are delivered with sincerity, regardless of their style or tone.

Personalising the Eulogy

A eulogy becomes truly special when it reflects the unique personality and life story of the person you're remembering. Personalization is key to creating a tribute that resonates with all who knew them. Here are some suggestions to help you add that personal touch to your eulogy.

1. Highlight Unique Traits: Think about what made the deceased unique. Was it their sense of humour, kindness, or perhaps a passion for a particular hobby? Mentioning these traits helps paint a vivid picture of who they were.

2. Share Personal Stories: Include stories that showcase their personality. These could be funny anecdotes, touching moments, or significant life events. Personal stories create an emotional connection with the audience and bring the eulogy to life.

3. Mention Their Impact: Talk about how the deceased affected those around them. This could be through their actions, words, or simply their presence. Highlighting their impact shows the breadth of their influence and legacy.

4. Authenticity and Sincerity: The most impactful eulogies are delivered with honesty and sincerity. Speak from the heart. Your genuine emotions and respect for the deceased will resonate more than any poetic words.

Remember, personalising a eulogy isn't about creating a perfect speech; it's about capturing the essence of a person’s life in a way that feels true to who they were. Your personal insights and memories are what will make the eulogy a beautiful and fitting tribute.

Finalising and Practicing the Eulogy

Once you've written your eulogy, it's time to fine-tune it and prepare for the delivery. This final stage is crucial in ensuring your speech not only reads well but also sounds natural when spoken.

1. Editing Your Eulogy: Read through your eulogy several times. Look for areas where you can simplify sentences or clarify thoughts. It's also a good idea to ask someone you trust to read it over. They can offer valuable feedback on how it sounds and feels.

2. Practice Makes Perfect: Practice reading your eulogy out loud. This will help you get comfortable with the flow of words and identify any tricky parts that might trip you up. Practice as much as you can; the more familiar you are with the words, the easier it will be to deliver them.

3. Dealing with Nerves: It's natural to feel nervous about speaking in public, especially at an emotionally charged event like a funeral. To manage nerves, practice deep breathing techniques and remember to pause for breath during your speech. Focus on the reason you're there – to honour someone important to you.

4. Delivery Tips: While delivering your eulogy, try to make eye contact with the audience, even if it's just a brief glance. This creates a connection and makes your words more impactful. If you get emotional, it's okay to take a moment, take a deep breath, and continue.

Remember, the goal of finalizing and practicing your eulogy is to make sure you feel prepared and confident. Your sincerity and dedication in delivering this tribute are what truly matter.


We'd Love to Hear From you 

We understand that writing and delivering a eulogy is a deeply personal experience, and each journey is unique. This is why we'd love to hear from you. Sharing your experiences can provide comfort and guidance to others facing similar challenges.

1. Share Your Experiences: If you've written or delivered a eulogy before, feel free to share your story in the comments section below (or even add it to your loved one's Memorial Story on their QR Code Memorial Plaque). Your insights could be incredibly helpful to someone else in their time of need. 

2. Offer Your Tips: Perhaps you've discovered a helpful tip or technique during your experience. Sharing these can be a great way to support others who are preparing their own eulogies.

3. Community Support: Our platform is more than just a place for information; it's a community. By sharing and interacting, we can support each other through these challenging times.

Writing a eulogy is a significant gesture of love and respect. It's a way to celebrate the life of a loved one and share their story with others. We hope that the tips and guidance provided here will help you craft a heartfelt and memorable tribute. Remember, the most important aspect of any eulogy is the sincerity and love with which it's delivered. Your words, infused with your memories and emotions, will honour the life of your loved one in the most beautiful way.

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